Sunday, November 4, 2007

A child's rusty swingset, two heavy duty bungee cords and you have a reasonably good work station. Using this improvised system I adjust the gears of this Bacchetta Giro26 recumbent bicycle, change out its front tire, and adjust the brakes. Bike stands for recumbents are hard to find, costly to purchase and unnecessary. Furthermore, you paid out the arse for the bike ($1,600 in my case) so you want to cut corners somewhere. So far over 1,000 commuting miles have permitted me to pass by gas stations and save in that way a few hundred bucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Con tu permiso, acabo de popularizar a mona en mi blog

Te invito a tomar parte de una nueva comunidad en internet que se forma a partir de usuarios como tu que responden a una simple pregunta ¿Qué estás haciendo? Te solicito que eligas una ciudad española y pruebes el nuevo vicio :-)

